Video 11
12. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 1 Mantra 8
oompah drunken efficient Aoyama diva Buttram posh a moksha yatra sterile Angus - SHhhh - Adam just a newbie he via Shima diva he tada who was FINA Indra British raha swass Tina pooja Vishwa Veda first in a star show air Astana me swass Pinot brie Hospital Donato home shanti shanti shanti come to Carrick anumber 17 or 18 we are doing the 18th one yes Kanaka number 18 we were doing the 18th one please repeat after me we cal poly never theta because Paul the never theta Cal Pete oh yeah decay energy Cal Pete oh yeah decay natete Upanishad I am Vado Upanishad I am father Gotti tweetums of it dirty dirty three thomna with dirty difference duality or he has translated here is diversity would disappear if it had been imagined by anyone this kind of talk that means this kind of instruction based on duality duality of teacher and the taught and no Orenda known and you have to know yourself as Brahman it all sounds like duality so this of talk which seems to be based on duality is for the sake of making teaching possible in the condition of ignorance we use this kind of teaching we make use of duality though we know that ultimately duality is false so this kind of talk is for the sake of making instruction possible duality ceases to exist after realization got a tattoo a boy tom navigate even the truth is realized when the reality is realized then duality ceases to exist so this is what has been said what does it mean remember what have we gathered so far in Mundaka Upanishad to put it very simply by knowing yourself you know the ultimate reality how do you know yourself the peculiar technique this particular technique taught in the mondo cooperation is look at your own experience throughout your day you have these three kinds of experience a waking experience dreams and deep sleep broadly three kinds of experience everybody we all share this in common when you look at these three kinds of experience the Upanishad tells you there is a fourth 1/4 which is the real nature of yourself though you experience yourself as these three as the baker and the wakers world as the dreamer and the dream world as the deep sleeper in the deep sleep darkness and yet in and through all of these separate from all of these underlying all of these is your real nature pure consciousness it open it just gives it the name the fourth Toria means the fourth it gives you the name the fourth now go to powder go to powder analyze this as a play of ignorance and ever all our problems are play of ignorant and error the classic example of a snake and rope which of course Godfather did not or the open issue does not use classic example of a snake and a rope is when we are ignorant of the Rope we make an error about and see a snake it need not just be a snake different people may see different things in the classic example used in the texts somebody sees it as a snake but then somebody else sees it as a crack on the ground caused by the lerz last earthquake somebody sees it as a garland discarded from a temple so different people see different things all of them are wrong they are all based on ignorance of the reality which that it's a rope and they see different they make different kinds of errors so there is ignorant and there is error now the truth when you realize the truth that it is a rope it removes the ignorant about the rope you realize it's a rope the moment the ignorance is removed it also removes the error which is that it's a snake or something else once ignorant is removed error is automatically removed exactly like that if the real nature about ourselves our real nature is turian the pure consciousness not the Waker not the dreamer not the deep sleeper when and how shall I know that I'm to Liam I already know that I am the Waker now if this is an error like a snake and iftar iam is the truth like the rope so when shall I know that I am thorium how shall I know that I am thorium the clue is given by Cora powder because it's a play of ignorant and error who is under ignorance who is under error remember there are four Waker dreamer deep sleeper turian Vishwa Tai Jessa Braga Turia there are four tell me among them who is under ignorant who is under error the Waker and the dreamer are under ignorance and error correct do you follow the Waker and the dreamer and Erlander ignorance and error they are ignorant of the fact when you're awake ER or dreamer you're ignorant of the fact that you are to reom and you have made the error that you are this body and mind in this world that's who you are waker or you are in the dream world in a dream body experiencing dream events that's who I am that's the dreamer SoDo both are errors now there is one who has got no error but just ignorance who is that the deep sleeper I am the trium ultimately really practically speaking really speaking I'm always datoria really speaking it's never a snake it's always a rope but practically speaking it's only when the snake error goes away the rope ignorance goes away then you know it's really a rope similarly practically I'm always searched on and I'm to reom but really speaking but practically speaking I am to Liam only when I'm free of ignorance and error who is the only one free of ignorance and error - Liam that's what God about now you see the beauty of God apply this analysis it point it summarises the entire teaching and points you directly to the truth what is to be done get rid of ignorance and error how do you get rid of ignorance and error don't fight with the error if you fight with error get entangled more and more go straight to the truth remove the ignorant about the truth know the truth error will disappear by itself that's what it said got a thought to it do a ton of it dirty when the reality is known duality disappears duality here is error that I am an individual separate from the world this will disappear you don't have to wipe out duality smash everything into oneness pound everything into atoms or quarks or something no let everything remain as it is let everything remain appearing as it is but once you realize that you are 'i'm this duality will disappear one a couple of observations here one is all kinds of error disappear if the one ignorance is removed somebody saw it as a snake somebody saw it as a crack on the ground somebody saw it as a garland three kinds of error all based on one ignorant which is I don't know it's a rope the moment they know it's a rope all kinds of errors disappear similarly the moment I know I am to reham all things all the errors arising out of that ignorant of material nature that I am a body that I am old or diseased or I am insulted or I am unhappy or I am I'm going to die all our errors this is entirely a game of error all these errors disappear at one stroke as turian do I need to lose weight no today I must no weight as turian do I need to put somebody in his or her place no all that somebody's also me we are all one as - Liam do I need to wallow in in in depression or hurt or irritation no all those are movements in the mind if I'm not the mind then the movements of the Minox who are not no concern to me the mind itself settles down when you realize you are not the mind so every problem your problem it disappears when you realize that you are the thorium all those problems are born of error samsara is born of error some sorrow goes away by what not by driving it away not by this practice or going to a heaven or you know by some peculiar technique nothing there's a simple teaching of the man Duke you finish it just know yourself your own glory is such that in its light there can be no samsara can be no darkness it all goes away at that point that's one observation the second observation is is that notice what was said or second observation is crucial when you say duality goes away an error goes away and I'm using a example like a rope snake somewhere in our mind another error will enter that is oh just like the snake disappears similarly the world will disappear no the world will not disappear the experience of the world will continue as long as there is a body we will experience a body as long as you have eyes you will see things and hear ears you will hear things all of this experience will continue knowledge does not destroy anything in the world knowledge just destroys ignorant so the world appearance will continue just like you know right now there's not a bit of blue there isn't a blue you know like a blue tent on top of first like a blue hemisphere covering the world no it just looks like that even after knowing that when you look up it looks blue you know that the Sun doesn't rise you know that right yes sir you know that the Sun doesn't rise no not everybody knows and then we recently I I heard of a guy who is an engineer who actually made a rocket private by himself and to launch himself into space so that he could prove his theory that the earth is flat doesn't believe anybody in the government or in the NASA or anybody and and he launched himself in he went up I think quite some time in quite some distance and came back so it was in the news now even when you realize that the Sun doesn't rise it's just the earth rotating after after that when you look you will see the Sun rising you will see the Sun going there you will see the Sun setting it looks like that your eyes will tell you that and you know your knowledge is perfect not only that it doesn't trouble you not only doesn't it trouble you you can go go on using the language of sunrise and sunset it's practical it's useful after realizing non-duality the world will not disappear the experience of the world will continue the experience of the world will not trouble you the experience of the world you can use it and function perfectly well in this world just like anybody else under ignorance and error you can function as the Waker you can function as the dreamer or non not function at all as the deep sleeper perfectly well knowing that I am the witness in which these three revolve so that's the second observation note one thing the phrase got a thumb now it did right immediately knowing the reality duality does not exist anymore that means duality exists in ignorance and non duality in knowledge when you know it then it's non duality when you don't know it it's duality duality appears there which means that which appears in ignorance is false that which appears in knowledge is correct so adieu item non duality is the truth and duality this experience of difference its fault when its experience of difference remember what I mean is the reality of difference is false the experience of difference will continue that otherwise it's impossible to function in the world if everything disappears in a flash of light and after enlightenment you exist in a blinding light all the time then you can't eat walk talk and worst of all you can't teach Vedanta that was the question here that teacher and the taught you're talking about the disappearance of duality but what's going on here right now we are having Vedanta that was the that's the topic this difference between the teacher and the taught it clearly it is duality so will knowledge remove this duality and gorup others answer is typically elliptical and little mischievous he says if duality existed it could have been removed it appears to exist and Shankar Acharya explains in his commentary just he gives the example of snake and rope if there was a rope if there was a snake it could have been driven away it could have been removed but there is no snake it looks like that even when we use the language of knowledge comes and removes the snake produced by ignorance and error we are already making setting up a a problematic thing you know as if there was a snake but actually practically look at it there was no snake even by mistake when that person was seeing there was no snake when you realize it's not a snake there's no snake no snake ever came no snake was ever driven away no snake was ever removed because there's no snake there at all just looked like that so exactly like that he's saying if there is if there was a duality of teacher and thought if there is a duality of knower and known then it could have been removed we could have discussed this whole problem there is no such problem at all yes yes yes yes the perception of duality is still there what has changed is the reality attributed to the perception of duality they the Sanskrit term used is mithya to a nice chair coming coming what happens is the duality which is perceived if you attribute reality to it that really there are two things this is what we think now in ignorance we think that there are really many many things in the world they're all separate and I am this one little separated individual this thing will go away you feel you distinctly see understand and grasp a sense of complete oneness with the world that came that change in perception came that change in I would say understanding or clarity comes but perception when you least when I mean perception is seeing he will still see the same thing as you see so he will still see that the difference between teacher and taught between food and himself the body and the food will take the food and put it in the mouth all those differences he will see so you can still see the difference the example is very simple take the classic example of golden ornaments when you realize that all this variety of ornaments with different names different uses different broth prices they're all the same gold after realizing that also that it's the same material same substance you can still identify the ornaments you can still put them on in the right places you can still understand the different prices all of that so Vera Hara usage in the world will continue as it is and the enlightened person sees all that and understands only difference between an enlightened person and not an enlightened person is that the enlightened person or the enlightened person and before being enlightened the difference is the enlightened person sees an underlying reality which he did not see earlier sees means understands clearly grasps and in this case understanding and being is the same thing because that underlying reality is he himself you yourself are that underlying reality because yes there is not real but when you experience the duality the element of experience still continues so there you see here that same consciousness is in a body and mind the teacher realizes that here is the knowledge and there I am I myself in another body and mind without this knowledge and suffering I would like to give it to them so that might be one reaction then enlightened person yeah then the agency still remains in the body and mind no doubt there is a kind of there's a word used in Vedanta called body the body that means sublated which means everything continues except that you know it's not real it's like everything was real suddenly I realized the whole thing is a virtual reality simulation it still continues it's like a movie watching a movie you thought it was real suddenly you realize it's a movie now the plot of the movie and activities in the movie they all continue and you enjoy it also internally you have got a great advantage now it doesn't touch you anymore you can ups and downs it's not so very serious or it's not a nightmare it's not so very urgent you can be relaxed about it and your approach can be very Universal loving you feel a oneness remember snake-rope all this sets up a kind of thinking in our mind it might not be exactly right according to I mean for the realized person because there is no true example for that these are various examples trying to point at it snake-rope once you realize it's not a snake you can dismiss the whole thing from your mind but is it like that for an enlightened person again the enlightened person dismiss the world from his mind maybe not because you see in the case of many enlightened persons they're tremendously compassionate about the world they don't dismiss it in fact just the opposite they feel a tremendous oneness with everything so that's the way it is yes dismiss religious rituals because they seem to be steeped in duality yes right right an enlightened person can completely dispense with religious rituals and their kin can make a mockery of it can make fun of it without the slightest problem one example and the opposite is the enlightened person can be continuously in performing all religious rituals remain like the most perfect Orthodox member of his or her own religion which one will enlighten person do no rule about it yesterday I made a point it's an interesting point I think it was the Gospel class for a secret it's always by the book I seek a spiritual seeker follows the rules of morality religion tries the best in tries to meditate it tries to do unselfish work tries to love everybody overcome one's own deficiencies that spiritual struggle it should be by the book then things are going well but for the enlightened person there is no room they throw away the book they can follow the book to the letter much better than any one of us or they may not follow the book at all book by book I mean conventional laws morality you cannot bind down the enlightened person there are no prescriptions for the enlightened person they can be of a wide range of people they can be a naked sage wandering in the forest cookus TRG there is a verse sukadeva who wandered naked all over the world had no positions to call his own enlightened person brahma Ghani is exactly the opposite ripple Janaka Raghav o Emperor's Kings from Raja Ram Chandra and Janica the Emperor Janaka they ruled kingdoms and they were full Brahma Ghani who is a greater enlightened person both are the same the monk wandering without any kind of position fully enlightened and this person with and running an empire dealing with all the problems of life also fully enlightened so there is no it can be instantaneous look at what we are seeing now ignorant is the root of the problem if you break through ignorance now is the breaking through ignorance instantaneous all time bound or a process both one is the moment knowledge flashes you know it's it's a rope finished but there is a time bound process to it also before that you investigated your heart was beating fast and you got a flashlight and look carefully ready to run away at any moment that took some time in a flash the knowledge came it's not a snake it's a rope so you're enlightened but even after that your heart keeps beating for just a little while more beating fast a little while more see ramakrishna says it hurts keeps pounding a little just after that so the enlightened person who may not be perfect it what happens is there's a whole book about this jeevan mukti Viveca by with the irony swami the same swami who wrote monk who wrote punch of the sheikh he wrote another book jeevan mukti Vivica an analysis of enlightenment a living of being free in this very life he says basically full enlightenment consists of three things this then we are going off in an aside here just an interesting note before we get back to the main topic full enlightenment consists of three things one is of course knowledge you realize I am Brahman or I am koream that's knowledge that gate you get only by removing ignorant the second one is he says mano Naja the one inertia literally means destruction of the mind here it means absolute control concentration of the mind absolute focus of the mind third is eradication of desires the conditioning of the mind the mind must be purified that is so the terms he uses our tuk to aboard her which means realization of the reality manone asha that means the complete cessation of the movements of the mind third one he says Wassenaar Shia purification of all the impurities of the mind that means the worldly tendencies of the mind these three are necessary he says for full-blown enlightenment otherwise what happens is and then he gives an example he says usually what happens is all the spiritual practices they ensure these things happen we have already seen this he has given new de new terms to it but remember our three tiered structure of spiritual practice I have mentioned it here problem impurity of the mind solution purity of the mind method karma yoga problem fluctuation distractions of the mind a flickering mind solution concentrated mind method Dhyana yoga opus on our meditation and worship and meditation dianna and then problem ignorant solution knowledge method gana yoga this path of knowledge so this is the three tiers now can you match it with what with the arrhenius a the three things necessary for full enlightenment one is purity of the mind one is concentration of the mind one is knowledge exactly same thing is saying only in each case he's talking taking it to the extreme ignorant was totally gone knowledge must be there completely the destruction of the mind must be totally removed and their mind must be able to be in Samadhi in deep meditation at desire and then all worldly desires should be completely removed mind must be purified basically you need the mind of a saint absolutely he means added risk is very serious about it now she points out normally for a spiritual seeker all three should move together and should culminate in maximization of all three you become a fully enlightened person but he points out there's a whole long discussion there are people he says who attain one without the others so there are people it's quite possible they attain knowledge a break through a grasp on non duality understanding clarity without completing their purification of the mind without attaining Samadhi the highest for a meditation possible then he says what happens to such people he says such people what is promised that knowledge will give you liberation they will get liberation at the point of death they will never come back to this world again they will get liberation but what will happen to such people while they are living is that they will be buffeted by the ups and downs of samsara and they'll be buffeted by problems of the body and mind to some extent to the extent that their mind and body are not under the control they know very well that I am NOT the body and mind when the but when the pinpricks them they will say ouch because the mind has not been brought into alignment with that knowledge the mind has not been purified and concentrated enough to manifest that knowledge so the person might understand the person might even have clarity about his or her real nature but even then it will be still be a struggle to manifest it in day to day life now that kind of some people might say that's not enlightenment in that case you might it's up to you you might call it that that is still the person is in process in that case in that case what is the recommendation the teacher there says that intensive Czar's and I must be taken up what remains to be completed must be completed then you will get they say Jeevan Muktha Cavill action took the unique bliss of Jeevan Mukti will be available only when you can manifest that knowledge in your day-to-day activities one point here I note how wonderful it is that Swami Vivekananda defined religion not as the knowledge of the divinity within yourself as the manifestation of the divinity within yourself he further said that it is my mission in life to preach unto humanity their inner divinity and then he says and how to make it manifest in every movement of life if you can bring that knowledge to play in your day-to-day life if you can be unselfish if you can be Saleem in the face of provocation if you can be unmoved by sorrow by hunger and thirst by disease and pain then that knowledge has become manifest then it fulfills its purpose in by living but with illnesses even if one cannot do that that person is still free because at the point of death in the body goes is beidaihe Mukti that means attains bodyless liberation so there is a process that's perfectly right he focused on the core truth like Manduca punished honest look what ritual is prescribed here nothing what do you have to believe ya only that much and that also you don't have be careful you don't to believe that if you believe it God our Father will start tearing his hair if you had any we have to know it not believe it believing is a good thing to start with but not the whole point is to know it nothing to believe no ritual to practice only a technique of meditation which will give now but that memorization is also like something which helps you to realize this fellows philosophical truth not some God or God is nothing like that so it's exactly like that so Raman marshy always would go straight to the truth he would try it out if somebody came you'd sit in silence if you sit in silence and your problems are solved and go you are the kind if you ask a question then Raman mercy would say who is asking that question even all these questions you know his technique would not be to answer it if you ask that is a realization instantaneous order does it take time he would ask who is asking this question find out that first with his point is very serious whatever answer I give to you it's an answer given to the ego so the ego will take it and say I have understood or it will say I have not understood in both cases ignorance in both cases the ego will take whatever you give to the ego ego will take and turn it into some sorrow it will produce some self so I give you a an answer and answer the student takes is ok here is my worldview I'm understanding about the weight I plug in this answer and it works or it does not work both cases it's just intellectual journey whereas ramen mercy what he would point out is who asked this question who wants to know he throws the ass that the person was asking back upon himself if there's an interesting story somebody came and asked a question and the ramen washy sharply said go back the way you have come and he got up scared it was about to go back and her own verse she said I don't mean that go back the way you have come means from internally from with this thing which has come and act out and asking a question trace it back vii mantra we saw a katha practice Arum take get hold of that one which keeps saying III and trace it back to its source that's exactly what the whole thing ramen mushy ass was based on that one now to that I will add there are number of times when ramen mercy encouraged bhakti he encouraged I think even repetition of a mantra they have few people she realized they needed it if he kept blocking their way by saying find out who I am and it made no impression on them then what will make an impression on them so skillful way of teaching is necessary Raman MA she went straight to the truth and he found the truth I'll come you know you if you the kind of people they are talking about vagina son is talking about they are rare and there are very advanced spiritual practitioners their struggle will be at a very rarefied level we would probably consider them to be Saints right mmm there are people who have suffered they seem to be suffering from disease and pain and also spiritual people now our doubt may come in your mind that if he is enlightened why is he suffering with the body it's just that that power is not there to use that enlightenment to overcome at that moment it can happen one must take it into account and it's it's very logical actually because the manifestation of that knowledge happens in the mind and the body is very different that's very different very very different it's not a person see one thing will move this person will have the person who has realized it but not yet fully manifested that realization will never go away this is quite different from the person who thinks that I have understood it and next moment thinks that I got confused again or next moment thinks that I had I thought I had understood it but now I don't understand it anymore it goes through ups and downs cannot overcome problems see this person who has got a deep understanding of Advaita maybe not fully realized yet but can bring bring to bear this understanding on day to day problems and can make them disappear maybe not immediately but after some time got irritated now I settle back upon the clear understanding within myself that of the one self everywhere irritation will disappeared like a mirror of like a water on on a hot day like I like melt away like ice on a hot day so that powered this person has it may not be to the level that is completely unaffected like ramen mercy or the Buddha or it so there is a level there are gradations advaita vedanta also recognizes there are gradations of absorption in brahmana Brahma wit nowhere of Brahman Brahma Javed whare a superior nor of Brahma Brahma of it very on much more superior knower of Brahman drama with barista the supreme knower of brahman now what do you mean by these things this does this purse these persons know brahman better in better no they classify them by their AB degree of absorption in Brahman the knower of Brahman had an intuitive flash about Brahman realized I am Robin how forever but that's it the Brahma of it vara he that person can again and begin become immersed in Brahman maybe a second or third time can can go back into that unit of experience since they can remain absorbed in Samadhi but would tend to come out of Samadhi also we see that you look at the lives of the direct disciples of Ramakrishna you will see that they come out of Samadhi the third category the superior much superior nor of Brahman Brahma the different degrees the much superior nor of Brahman is the one who goes into this absorption increment nearly culpa Samadhi but cannot come out unless somebody else brings him out you see the in the life of Raman mercy also after the initial realization he remain immersed in it for months until almost the body was perishing he grew bent under underneath the temple in a like a dungeon he stayed there in the basement of the time abundant basement of the temple they stayed there so their tendencies like that after sri ramakrishna attained here we CalPERS imagined to the guidance of totapuri totally left saddam still remain like that for six months somebody else another monk would visit and would hits ram krishna with to make him to get some kind of external consciousness back and Trust food into his mouth so this is a very superior grade somebody else can pull the person down and sri ramakrishna himself instructed people around him with different mantras names of god you sing this you chant this then I'll come back then the final one is Brahma with barista who needed by his own efforts nor by anybody's else's efforts can ever come back there Sri Ramakrishna says 21 days the body Falls up when you go to that position but what do you mean go to that position that person already knows I am Brahmin long ago only the mind becomes so absorbed in it it can never come back again so 21 days later the body drops away that's what's really I said so these are different ways but remember one thing God our Father would be looking on all of this with little irritation from his point of view body mind are all duality and the various gradations in body and mind which we are so interested in this differences among enlightened persons which we are trying to make from his point of view it shouldn't do that these are unimportant differences with the arrhenius if you are interested especially if you are a sadhaka and you attain these you you attain to this and you see you match that it matches with my stage then you should if you have further questions how can I make deepen this realization you should undertake spiritual practices and that book is full of spiritual practices what can you do to deepen your meditation one chapter is there what can you do to purify the mind and remove all world impressions another chapter is there jeevan mukti vivek which was talking about so lot of and he has collected it from different sources mostly from yoga vasishta is collected and interesting those things are meant to be applied after enlightenment before enlightenment also but what is the difference same practice before enlightenment same practice after enlightenment but what's the difference before enlightenment you are seeking you're trying to find after enlightenment you are trying to be established in it you're trying to deepen it no longer are you seeking you found it there's not the slightest doubt anymore we're trying to deepen it another thing that Ramananda ji turn told us I was there in fact alejandra Saraswathi it was regarded as a brahma granny jeevan mukta in his own lifetime one of his disciples a householder had a kidney transplant so I've told this earlier but I'll repeat it I had a kidney transplant and he came and the Swami was asking him about his health and this gentleman said oh I'm all right now but above all these diet restrictions and I have all these medicine rest you know so many medicines that I have to take and the Swami he was not very well conversant with science and medicine so he asked why you have already replaced the kidney that itself was a great miracle then then why all this so doctor said if I don't follow these restrictions and take these medicines three things will happen first the kid my body will not accept the kidney as a part of its system second I will not get the benefit from the new kidney third ultimately the body will reject the kidney and kidney will die okay hearing this the Swami was excited and he said he looked at the monks he said Oh monks listen to this this is exactly once you have studied wadn't and you feel you are beginning to understand Vedanta this is exactly what you must do remember he's not talking about an enlightened person he's talking about a person who's got an intellectual clarity about Vedanta once you feel your Berga begun to understand where anta this is exactly what you must do you must intensify your other spiritual practices not just with anthem your jabber meditation prayer purifying the negative tendencies in the mind otherwise what will happen this is the interesting thing he said three things will happen exactly like that he said this knowledge will not be integrated in your personality what you have studied second if the benefits will not start flowing from this knowledge you expect peace and joy and strength to overcome problems in salinity those benefits will not come third your system will kill this knowledge and drive it away from you and from you he will feel that at one time I was pretty well established in it but it's all sort of went away and you know something happened so intensifies sadhana and this is not not the person who has got enlightenment which vidyaranya speaks about this is before that this is an intellectual grasp on Vedanta alright now let's go ahead one topic in Mundaka Upanishad is over remember Mundaka Upanishad smallest of the Upanishads had just two topics one was Optima which our analysis of the self of yourself the second was own car of each other analysis of ohm so Atma vichara analysis of the self is over all this we did draw a line finished turn the page now ohm kara which our analysis of ohm this is what we will start today that's why we wipe the board clean eight to twelve mantras ohm let's start the remaining mantras the mondo Punisher is very small with only 12 mantras seven of which are over don't mix up the mantras and the carry cos the caracals are composed by guru pada mantras are part of the original Upanishad so seven mantras are over and the associated caracas are over let's go on to the next part the last part of the Upanishad from mantras 8 onwards mantra 8 so amat mom addiction Oh God Adam Adam Adam at mattress chapada oh god oh god I'm a karate so that very self considered from the standpoint of the syllable of words denoting it is ohm considered from the standpoint of the letters constituting home the quadrants of the self are and and the arm of the letter are the letters of the ohm and the letters of the quarters the letters are a OMA so this is what was said now let's see what it means the open e shot started by promising two things an investigation into the self which was done waker dreamer deep sleeper and the Turia that was done and also promised an investigation into oh why an investigation into ohm because the investigation into the self is supposed to reveal the truth I am Brahman anthurium finished what else is required investigation into the old ohm is necessary as a support ohm is necessary as a tool which will help us to realize I am Turia so you'll see it's a very interesting use of foam remember the word ohm is a very sacred word in India the most sacred word in India for all Hindus they need not be non dualists whether they are dualist whether they're wash novels or shocked us or shavers whether they are the followers of Sankhya or yoga or whatever all varieties of Hindus all Buddhists all Buddhists for them ohm is very important in Tibetan Buddhism whom money but me whom that is there so ohm is there for Jane's for six for the Sikhs ik Onkar the ultimate reality the highest reality is called own car ohm so for all Indian traditions ohm has been regarded as the most sacred syllable and many many interpretations have been given I had a woman I knew a Swami who did a research into this what different interpretations of ohm he collected and it came to three volumes have different kinds of interpretations of ohm so ohm stands for Bramha Vishnu Maheshwara that the creator the preserver in the destroyer of the universe ohm stands for heaven earth and health in other words higher worlds and this world ohm stands for so many many things home stands for them for the manifested Brahman saguna brahman and for the net guna Brahman the absolute in different ways ohm is the name of God Patanjali yoga Sutra says the Sahaj yoga Pranava the name of God the best name of God is ohm and so on many many interpretations but the deepest most profound interpretation and use is found here in the Manduca position this is the the core idea everything else are layers which come afterwards ohm is used for all kinds of rituals in hinduism now what is this what is the use it says did you notice that the self has four aspects that the way curd and the dreamer in the deep sleeper and the reality the trium notice also the word ohm has four letters the word ohm is composed of its mono syllabic one sound ohm but it's composed of four letters what are the letters for three letters and one ultimate part of it they are called Matra Mottram means letter or a linguistic entity so ohm is made of three ooh and ma in the closest you get in English is a you and M remember a is not a the word the letter R you get in Sanskrit and other Indian languages is the sound you make open your mouth and make a sound ah that is ah so now that's not a vowel you come across in English in English you come across a I owe you so oh is the first component of ohm the second component is ooh the closest we get is u U is not ooh and third component is M which is close to MA and the fourth one is the imatra the silence it's not a letter so I am just calling it and putting it in brackets silence the silence after the three letters silence after ohm the opener should says that's the fourth aspect of AAG now just a couple of points in sanskrit there is something called Sundy Sundy means according to its joining the sounds because of similarity of sounds the sounds flow into each other if you if I translate it into English it sounds it more complicated it's euphonic conjunction or something like that but it simply means the letters if you put them together that they modify each other so ah and when you pronounce after one after the other together they make the sanskrit letter O uh and ooh make the letter O which is very fortunate because in English we have an O there is o in English so when you pronounce ohm you don't pronounce Oh you don't pronounce it as um I've heard people doing that that comes after a little bit of knowledge of Vedanta little what they were doing earlier is correct Oh miss correct after knowing that it is made of ah when they think oh we know better now oh no that's wrong in sanskrit grammar it is wrong it's grammatically wrong in sanskrit grammar when you put o and O together it becomes O so to say ohm is the correct pronunciation of ohm and in English when you write o and then it's correct it's the exact pronunciation of ohm so that's one thing now what this this mantra pointed out was that we have look at this all has four aspects and the self also has four aspects the four aspects of Omar called the four matras and the four aspects of the self are called the four father's four aspects of the self what are the four aspects of the self waker dreamer I'm a deep sleeper and finally to do the Waker repiy used the sanskrit words wish i'm also used Viraat why because in each case there is a cosmic and individual Here I am as an individual Waker but here is also the entire universe and Upanishad says that there is one consciousness associated with the entire physical universe just as there is a consciousness associated with one physical body so with one physical body that consciousness is called visual with the entire universe that same consciousness is called Viraat dreamers case digesta and here on nirupa the cosmic mind consciousness associated with one mind if digesta consciousness associated with all minds is hidden in Aqaba deep sleeper Praga Ishwara though I'm using the term like this in the open Ischl itself the term used is antaryami the same doesn't matter issue around today ami antaryami means the inner controller Turia mysterium it's pure consciousness pure consciousness why pure consciousness because it's the consciousness free of ignorance and error there is ignorance and error here but there's no ignorance and error here now moment you see this you get the temptation of associating them to use ohm for understanding yourself Asturia that's the purpose now what is the purpose we are going to learn all meditation we are going to learn all meditation remember this is a Veda and thick meditation it's not the other kind of all meditation which many Hindus are used towards that kind of a meditation you repeat ohm and concentrate on it oh you should just repeat it physically or mentally and it's it it's a practice it's called deal Gibran about char in man Duke in pancha she the teacher with the army says if your mind is too distracted one powerful way of quietening down the mind is to chant ohm in a prolonged way and a low tone and keep it Oh silence Oh [Music] not two times or three times thousand times ten thousand times your mind will become quite load low tone don't expend energy and shouting it out but a low tone fading to an inner Oh inner ohm just stretch out dinner oh those who have been initiated you all know that our mantras already have ohm in them but just ohm in itself that's a meditation which is often prescribed so that is called deal Caprona watch Erina - to chant prolonged oh by the way just a point I sometimes use the word Ankara so people may get confused especially those who don't know Sanskrit may think what's this own car and what's ohm ohm car is nothing but the word ohm when you add this Cara it just means putting the word ohm in quotations when you say own car right it refers back to the word or the word ohm itself is ohm Cara so in English we would say analysis of ohm use the word of so in sanskrit you would say ankara vichara analysis of home now you can associate what does so now there is one meditation which is chanting the word ohm either in a low tone or mentally and your mind will calm down focus the mind here ohm is used as a philosophical meditation you must you must repeat it no doubt you will chant it like you chant it but with meaning with meaning and what is the meaning the meaning will be given to it by association whatever you have learnt now all that you have learnt in the last few months will be compressed into this little syllable mono syllable ohm the whole teaching up to the seventh mantra and all the characters everything is going to be packed into home so it's like a zip file will you take everything in the computer and you sort of zip it up so it's going to be zipped up all of this was going to be zipped up in this how do you do it pretty simple associate associate the are with the Waker which you are with are with yourself the vapor visual let's just agree yourself now you the Waker associate in your mind ooh with the dreamer associate in your mind mmm with the deep sleep deep sleeper Waker and the wakers experience the whole world you experience dreamer and the various dream experiences you have ooh and deep sleep and the darkness of blankness of deep sleep mm-hmm remember these are some common mistakes people think that oh okay then I'll practice them separately I'm going to practice breaker and keep saying ah no the dentist might want you to say that but gora bother does not mean that God up Ahava says what he means is you will chant ohm as you have always been chanting ohm don't chant don't chant oh don't keep sips and say mmmm I mean might be delicious after ice cream you might say mmm but that's not what you do here here you just chant ohm but you know all of it at once mmm is the deep sleeper and the deep sleep darkness and the silence following that is pure consciousness you connect with that the silence is pure consciousness what happens is as you chant Oh the whole thing should float past in your awareness breaker my world my problems my body my life all of this is me what I think of as me fading away into sleep and dreams come up various things that's Oh underneath the oh is floating and then that fades away into absolute stop full stop underneath mm is floating there and as that fades away into silence the nameless pure consciousness studium neither vacant either sleeper neither dreamer not something in between the seventh mantra something not not that which can be grasped by the sense organs nothing that can be grasped by this motor organs nothing that can be expressed by speech nothing that can be conceived off by intellect it is the one which refers is referred to by the continuous eye perception the eye cognition it is the quiz since the Silence of the universe what is the universe after all Uma all the whole universe is represented by speech I'm just reminded of what an amazing philosopher Wittgenstein Wittgenstein says the limits of language are the limits of the world just see amazing and what Manduca does is it reduces all of language to by the way I've not gone into it that I mean the problem with Mundaka Upanishad is there at every stage there are such enormous depths you just get to get lost in that if we dive into that always I have this decision to make continuously how deep do I take it so for example and they will say ah is the beginning of sound the first sound a baby makes the first sound you make when you open your mouth ah and all the other vowels the vowels are the ones with which you construct different words without vowels you can't construct the other consonants cannot work by themselves so the all the other vowels are just modification of your lips they're all modifications of ah you see we all of that in just modification of lips a/e ooh eh all the vowels they are all modifications of movement of the lips so or is the primary sound and that alone gets modified into all of the sounds this is there in English asterisks there's a whole science of language and the spirituality based on the science of language from where all mantras emerge Vedanta just sort of skips over that but say in Kashmir Shaivism for example it's an enormous area of study there's something called mantra Shastra the science of sacred syllable sacred language the enormous area of study I don't know much about just you know but whatever little I know about it's fascinating I attended talk in the San Diego Museum of Art by a professor tarnish word Timmel Sina he is one of the in my estimation one of the best professors of Indian philosophy now working in the West astonish what Timmel Sina if you google him you'll find him he's an expert on Advaita but also on Kashmir on Tantra he's Nepalese and he told me his story he at one time he wanted to become a monkey but something or the other happened he couldn't but he became a philosophy professor he has a guru he's a spiritual practitioner himself and he comes from a long line of of tantrikas in Nepal so he gave a talk on tantric art in the San Diego Museum of Art and I was there and he showed something fascinating the the image of her deity of a female deity shakti particular deity and the mantra associated with it and he showed how from the mantra you can construct the whole image how from the image you can get back the mantra there exactly connected to each other the person who knows the secret of that can can do that so anyway so there is an enormous science of language let me give you one little example that's how fascinating it is but then it needs you need to know a little bit of the Sanskrit script and AH the first letter and the last in the letters which you read is half in between are all the letters from all the letters and made all the words and from all the words they all represent the entire universe the limits of language are the limits of the of the universe okay and the limit and all languages between R and ha all the other letters are everything is between this alright now if you put them together you get a hum which means I the word I in Sanskrit it stands for entirety of all language and words compressed into one representing the entire universe with all words are made of the letters between R and her and the words represent everything in the universe whichever can be designated by language and if we just take the first in the last letters and put them together you get the word for I in Sanskrit another thing I'm just getting diverted but is so fascinating in in the 26 26 26 letters yes so another one is uh-hum uh-hum is the Sanskrit word for I hung is also the word hung is also the bija mantra every element in the universe is associated with a letter these are called bija mantras seed letters hung is the letter for sky Akasha so huh one letter it's a bija mantra for sky for sky a triple menu do puja and all of that yes it is connected all these are connected I don't know the details but there are fascinating connections so hung is used for sky now the word for I is are hung literally it means not hung also means not not something just like in English like when you when you add an a it's a negative atheist East atheist are means not now sky is the first emanation from the Atman Upanishad says the smartest Mahatma na arkasha Sam Botta tried to reopen yishun from this very Atman vitória from pure consciousness emerged space emerged from that emerged fire ever wind from wind emerge fire from fire emerge water from water emerged the earth the primitive cosmology ancient cosmology the smart Viator smart mana arkasha Sam Botta arkasha value why your agnya agnya Appa a bit prettily so this is all day to do penny should speaks about it go back to the first manifestation the subtlest of anything that you can conceive of a space without any any any ground no planets no stars nothing just space empty space devoid of anything at all just conceive that strongly nothing is there above below there's no above no below no point of reference no object no stars nope nothing just space then drop that space because ah hum not space you'll be back into him in pure consciousness it's a technique you are that which is not yes whoo yeah I've got the copy of art and language that secret out in language sure sure I can show that book to you yeah just remind me after the class he presented me with the copy but it's a well-known thing there I mean in tantric art I don't know it's a huge fields really complex field if you think Abdul it is complicated and difficult it's the easiest it's child's play for these people he has written the most difficult book on advaitha as I've been a beginning of his career now he's gone into serious stuff now consciousness in Indian philosophy that's his book okay anyway with all asides yes yes yes consciousness associated with the collective yes it does not become the villain Nagappa is a consciousness associated with one mind he didn't agree why's the consciousness associated with all our minds differences like this one computer and the internet the contents of your hard disk and then the contents of all hard disks and all service everything put together in the whole whole world there's a difference it's an individual and same difference as as the waking and it ended in the in the subtle the gross in the subtle it's a difference between unit and total just just here for example your mind we have got knowledge ideas feelings identity there and everybody also has all of that imagine putting it all together yeah see that's why I said body mind and beyond the mind the darkness there that's why I did not hear mention the waking dreaming and deep sleep because why is waking dreaming and deep sleep mentioned at all the gross aspect is most easily available in the waking state it's in the waking stage that we contact the gross universe the physical universe it's in the dream stage that the life of the mind is most free it's entirely mental and it's in deep sleep that you find beyond the mind the merged state which is most clearly evident that's why these three states are men you need not consider just the dream consider right now in the waking stage everybody's mind in fact I did not go that's why this depth problems before sometime before there was a point where Shankar Acharya actually refers to this he says surprise surprise he says you need not even bother with waking dreaming and deep sleep just look at your waking when you are very body conscious that is this sure when you're deeply in thought forgetting about the body even for an instant that is tiresome and you have moments of absolute relaxation calmness quiet you're not thinking of this or that that's like the program here itself so is it doesn't make it little clearer even look at it from materiality consciousness associated with every bit consciousness associated with that body call it visual same consciousness if it is somehow associated with all bodies the entire universe living and non-living then if such a consciousness is there there is the this is the only place where do punish it has a point of a belief this we don't experience this only persons who experience who saw that's why Arjuna asked for the vishwaroopa darshan in in bhagavad-gita show me thy this cosmic from the totality can can I see this so here is when I am gonna keep saying it is all about experience all about reason but here is a point where the open assured talks about take it on on faith that there is a consciousness associated with the entire universe this is basically what we call God now extend that to the mind only forget the bodies only the minds of everybody then yes right right right right what you're thinking of is that in your dream is there a cosmic dream and individual dream that's what are you asking no not like that remember all this analysis take it in a very simple way all this analysis is happening happening at the waking stage here in the class in the valence in society we are all in the waking state and thinking about our dreams so we will think about my dream your dream and everybody else's dream my consciousness associated with my dream is what I call a gesture and like that there'll be one everywhere but there is one consciousness associated with all our minds that is called hidden Nagappa that could be very well in the waking state also in Anna Nagar bus' best translation core here Anya Garber would not be cosmic dreamer it would be cosmic mind here Ania Garba hidden image gold this word is there's a different meaning altogether this word is found in many places in the Shastras it means golden moon this is something that's common to many different religions also for example in Taoism they talked about at the beginning of the universe there was a cosmic of golden egg it's very similar to here on the garba here on the garba is another name for Brahma the creator of the universe so literally means golden boom it's such a shining entity from which the universe emerges it's something that sages have perhaps experienced in Somalia so that's why that name is given yes no actually here in the garb of Vishnu would be this one issue Allah Ishwara yes don't connect them to Brahma Vishnu man shut up because in all OMA sometimes Brahma Vishnu mahesha are connected to that because all is the creators of Rama ha who is the preserver Vishnu mmm is the ended dissolution of everything so my shuara yes but here dear when you come to viraat here in Agoura and Ishwara Ishwara is actually Vishnu here and a Gerber will be bit art would be closer to Brahma like that varieties is what is the vishwaroopa which Arjuna experienced in the eleventh chapter of bhagavad-gita same God with entire physical universe associated with the physical universe the cosmic form vishnu sripriya all of them are Vishnu super even Brahma is born of the navel of visnu only anyway but let's not get into that because that's a complex interpretation of Hindu mythology remember gora pada or or Manduca never brings those things up it just uses the terms and then goes ahead okay all right so now let's go back to the mantra itself and we'll see what did he say that at mon-sol am atma if you look at it from the point of view of letters of language it is none other than ohm that Atma has four aspects the ohm has four aspects what are the four letters four aspects of Atma four letters of ohm in Sanskrit for powders of the Atma four matras of home what are they and then he says let us match them how will you match them pedometer are the aspects of the Atman are the letters of the ohm and the letters of the ohm are the aspects of the Earthmen that's how you match them so what are the aspirin letters of ohm atras of ohm ah ah Cara Oh Cara Makara so you see Cara this word is the term is used a Cara means or within quotes who Cara means you within coats the letter o Makara means mmm within coats the letter M and what do they stand for the four aspects and the silence after that silence is not mentioned here it will be mentioned in the 12th month or last one but first the three are mentioned these three represent the waker dreamer and deep sleeper and the Lakers universe the dreamers universe in the deep sleep universe the physical universe the subtle universe and the causal universe that means basically the universe language represents the universe the silence beyond language represents the reality beyond the universe so that's how you match them and you're supposed to repeat ohm just like you ordinarily repeat ohm and cycle it again and again with this understanding as you keep doing it automatically the connection will come very easily do it a few times within a few days you will find the connection is automatic all means waking this universe and come to you who means dreaming all the minds together means deep and the silence or the darkness of deep sleep the causal state of the universe yes [Music] yes or no no connected to your experience yes then only otherwise you will if you say we're art wisher and plot Vishu Atty Jessup rakia and Turia and then what we'll realize is the word career but if you actually connect it to experience what will happen is the hope is ultimately you will have an experience it's not experience of Toria today is always experience you can get a clarity about to Liam you will realize yourself Astoria just just rotate the experience in your mind yeah yes imagine deep sleep mentally imagine deep sleep because right now you are not supposed you're not supposed to dream also you are not supposed to go into sleep a blackness like yeah yeah yeah blacking lightness just imagine I have no knowledge it's been described here knows neither the world nor itself the self knows neither the world nor itself the fifth and sixth mantras you will see they describe deep sleep so does not desire any desires does not dream any dreams beautiful description of deep sleep yes hmm when it comes to mmm you just go just recreate the deep sleep experience in your mind how would it like to be in deep sleep no thoughts no conception of the self also it does not know the world does not know the self deep sleep then silence all three came and went in what consciousness in what space stay there for a while then again mind becomes active little then start the home again [Music] no you are trying to feel it you it will come you try it yourself will come it's quite easy to vividly reconstruct our waking life vividly feel your waking life and then vaguely dreams you don't have to remember a particular dream it's not dreaming it's not like your therapist who wants you to relate your dreams just imagine what it is like to be dreaming body is forgotten you're in you're in bed you've forgotten the body and vague thoughts are coming images are coming flitting by one after another all in the mind that stops - neither world nor body nor dreams nothing blankness no passage of time no thoughts coming mmm and then silence drop that also stay there don't repeat it takes much longer to say than actually to do it you can easily do it alright so now having matched them so we will use ohm the point is not to think of waking dreaming and deep deep sleep the point is to realize that I am the thorium but I am faker we know this this is our starting point I am the dreamer I also know this is a starting point I alone am in deep sleep I also know this in a waking stage that I was sleeping this is not Vedanta we are using this as a starting point step one step two step three into the fourth step which is what we want to understand about ourselves so this is the process which is given it's a very powerful technique see how it combines meditation and philosophy it packs this meaning the whole of the Upanishad into oh now details will be given for this if you're going to associate ah-hoo and MA with wake a dreamer and deep sleeper and there is a process of doing it let's see it's almost over we'll try it out today a little bit number nine jaggedy Tostan ovation aura acara jagrata Sano vishwanadha Okada Pratham imatra Samara opti adamite Wadhwa opti roddy mcdowall up naughty Hawaii's aravane come on this job Parvati you're even Veda so in the ninth tenth and eleventh mantras what they will do is simply help us to associate our with waker ooh with dreamer and mmm with deep sleeper ninth tenth and eleventh mantras and the twelfth mantra will be about silence and pure consciousness and that'll be the end of the opposition so the ninth mantra is about Waker and our associate Waker and now now the rule of association is see they think about these things we rule of association is why should why should the Waker be called ah basically you're giving a name you the Waker you are called AA the Vishnu is called ah this entire universe which we experience in the waking world all together it's called ah but why so he says here what a car apothem imatra all is the first mantra and associated with the waking state Jaguar it Astana the consciousness in the waking state which one is it why chuan or a Vishwa Nora is another name for Bharat so you see automatically takes the cosmic form consciousness associated with everything call it ah there's a reason for this if you take the consciousness associated only with one body yourself what you will end up with is you will find yourself as the witness of one body and mind whereas the idea is you are this disc is the witness is the is the consciousness behind the entire universe gross universe subtle universe causal universe so it starts with the entire universe we're at or bi shuang era now on what grounds will you associate the rule of association is there must be some similarity between the things you are associating if you are taking something is a symbol for something else then why are you taking it as a symbol so why are you taking as a symbol for the entire waking experience because he says two reasons up there are the math first reason is because it's pervades why shuang'er or Bharath pervades our entire physical universe that's what Arjuna experienced in 11th chapter of Gita Sri Krishna as vishwaroopa which pervades the entire cosmos so pervades means consciousness associated with the entire universe because we rot or Viswanath is the consciousness associated with the entire universe and all remember it's the primal sound which pervades all other sounds it's only by modification of our that you get ooh and a and E all of that you get by just changing the the formation of the lips the configuration of the lips but the sound you are producing is the first sound itself it gets gets changed just like gold you shape it into different kinds of ornaments but the same gold continues in and through all the ornaments when you melt it into and make it into a necklace it's the same gold when you melt the necklace down and you make it into a bracelet it's the same goal in then through that now the point you're making is in and through all our sounds basically the primal sound o is still continuing in your oh it's still they are the same thing is coming out just them it's a modification of that it sounds different just like the necklace and the bracelet look different but inside it it's the same reality similarly our pervades all sounds this is one of the conclusions of ancient sound science of language because it permits all sounds and westerner or bharat pervades the entire making universe they are equated that's one ruin reason for associating them or is a symbol for the cosmic waker the second reason is atom at work being the first it's the first so oh is the first sound and viscera or Bharat Bharat is the first born the first manifestation you find us Marva da da da da da in the ancient Vedic soup test that the first thing that was born was Bharat in the Mundaka Upanishad you find brahma mahad a Varnum somebody who remember the Varnum some some Babu vishwas circuit Abu Anas year Gupta so of all the gods Brahma was the first to be manifested that Brahma itself the physical form will be called Bharat so which is the first among the gods to be manifested remember vir art is manifested and disappears when the entire universe is disappeared is destroyed then this very consciousness exists as Ishwara it's no longer associated with a physical universe when the universe is destroyed at the end of a cycle just like everyday this consciousness which is associated with the physical body this consciousness itself remains associated with the darkness of deep sleep there is no physical body no mind present there in that experience but it's still you the consciousness similarly in the case of the universe it's the same consciousness associated with the manifested physical vast universe when this universe goes that consciousness remains indeed we will see I remain in deep sleep that consciousness will remain with its Maya Shakti which is Vishnu basically so because it is the first and because it pervades everything that's why or can be related to the Baker Wesch wanna sew and the one who knows this who meditates thus a reward is mentioned so this is the traditional way it is taught any kind of meditation immediately they will say if you practise this meditation you will get this result so always it's very nice things and mentioned what you will get if you practice it what will happen if you practice it it says up no T Hawaii serve on come on or this chapati I am Ava Maeda whatever you might want in this world you will get and you will become the the best among all all spiritual seekers are the foremost foremost among all sages you will become and you will get all desires fulfilled it actually works that way because if you really realize that you will know that you are one this entire universe is nothing but you so everything in this universe is yours see you see something very attractive in a dream yeah oh I want that Tesla car and when you wake up when you wake up you realize that the tesla car in your dream it's you only what else was it it was a problem what you saw in the dream as I and that Tesla both of these are not real they're manifestations of the Dreaming mind which is you in the same way the one who identifies completely with Y chuan or or Bharat will feel everything in this universe is nothing other than me does not mean that everybody will sign over their property and cars and everything to the person who meditates on earth if you say oh and everybody will keep running come running to give you all their property and money no no no but you actually feel an identity with everything you feel one with everything that's it let's practice a little of now you know what the all meditation is about I associated with your waking experience all of it your life you with your experience in the mind in the dream world mmm with just blankness the deep sleep nothingness the person is gone in deep sleep and then the silence beyond that is the consciousness itself when you get to the silence don't try to imagine the consciousness when you get to our imagined awaking who imagine the Dreaming mmm imagine the deep sleep in in the silence beyond mmm drop the deep sleep experience that's the blankness and see what happens you can try nowadays they do this swiping so the waking world is way in front of you swipe it off other than who comes when the dream world is there swipe it and then the deep sleep world is there nothing blank swipe that then what is this all right let's see I will keep chanting the ohm and you think about it let us chant ohm three times together then you will start the meditation by yourself Oh [Music] Oh [Music] I will keep chanting you use my chanting to meditate [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] in the silence of Turia if any physical sensation comes dismiss it it belongs to the Waker if any thoughts come dismiss it it belongs to the dreamer toyou sir if blankness comes dismiss it it belongs to Prague here what remains [Music] now when I will chant the ohm remain in the Turia in the silence consciousness of Turia and allow the waking dreaming and deep sleep to pass over you as I chant oh you stay in Korea [Music] that is jeevan mukti Oh [Music] staying in Korea I will chant ohm please chant with me and then you will open your eyes Oh [Music] slowly open your eyes now when you feel comfortable Oh Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry he owned that sat sri ramakrishna Aparna mas